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Dementia Resources

…insight into this work. This is a free download and audio version of Ahnes Houston’s book ‘Talking Sense’, which explores sensory issues associated with dementia. This is an… Continue Reading Dementia Resources

Privacy and Cookies

…any personal information Relevant legislation Alongside our business and internal computer systems, Switchboard’s website is designed to comply with the following national and international legislation with regards to data protection… Continue Reading Privacy and Cookies

Beyond just β€˜ticking the box’: Switchboard calls for action on monitoring of sexual orientation, gender and trans status

…found that these communities face significant barriers to providing accurate monitoring information about sexual orientation, gender and trans status. LGBT Switchboard, has called for the introduction of consistent, LGBTQ+ inclusive… Continue Reading Beyond just β€˜ticking the box’: Switchboard calls for action on monitoring of sexual orientation, gender and trans status