LGBTQ Health & Inclusion Project Work


Making information on LGBTQ services in Brighton & Hove available in a range of languages

It’s really important to us at LGBTQ HIP that information about local LGBTQ services is available and accessible to as many people as possible, so after consultation with local LGBTQ groups and the Trust for Developing Communities, we have now translated some core information about LGBTQ services in Brighton and Hove into a number of different languages. Information in Arabic, French, Bengali, Turkish and Cantonese is available here.

Ongoing Partnership Working

LGBT HIP works with partners including Trust for Developing Communities, City of Sanctuary, Friends, Families & Travellers and One Voice to work on project for LGBT people from BME backgrounds. If you are interested in getting involved in this work, please email us at [email protected]




Spread the love to beat homophobia, biphobia and transphobia!

LGBT HIP led a campaign for International Day against Homo/ Bi/ Transphobia in May 2015. We asked people to take a picture of themselves, showing what freedom from homophobia, biphobia and transphobia means to them.