LGBTQ Inclusion in Care Homes
This 2.5 hour workshop is similar to the healthcare course but with a specific focus on understanding the needs and experiences of older LGBTQ people, particularly in care home settings. Many LGBTQ people feel they need to ‘go back into the closet’ when they go into care, as a result of earlier experiences of stigma, harassment and inaccessibility in other healthcare settings. This workshop explores how you can make your care home more inclusive of and welcoming to older LGBTQ residents.
Learning outcomes:
- To understand a range of LGBTQ identities and the language used to describe these
- To understand some of the specific needs and challenges of older LGBTQ people, in the context of historical and social factors
- To have a basic understanding of the requirements of the Equality Act
- To explore steps that care homes can take to be more inclusive of LGBTQ residents and staff
- To review information for signposting older LGBTQ people to specific support