News and Events

National Refugee Week

National Refugee Week runs from the 20th -26th June, and so we are taking this time to talk about LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers. LGBTQ refugees often face double marginalisation and challenges, by virtue of their ...
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Solidarity with LGBTQ Communities in Orlando

Our thoughts are with the victims and of the mass LGBTQ shooting at Pulse in Orlando and their friends and families. We join others in sending our love and solidarity. Tragedies like this can bring up ...
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International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

What would freedom from homo/bi/transphobia look like to you? We asked people last year and here is what they said...
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Vacancies for Four Qualified LGBTQ Counsellors

If you identify as LGBT * and are keen to contribute to our community, we would love for you to volunteer with our LGBT* Affirmative Counselling Service. We offer the chance to be part of a supportive ...
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New LGBTQ Group in Whitehawk

LGBT HIP is working with Whitehawk Inn to set up a brand-new monthly LGBTQ group in Whitehawk! We had our first meet-up in May and it was great to meet and discuss what people would like ...
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LGBT Switchboard can provide bespoke LGBT Awareness/ Trans Awareness training for your organisation or group. The training can cover a range of topics including: understanding the impact of stigma and discrimination, creating LGBT safe spaces, implementing the Equality ...
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LGBT Friendly Zumba!

Looking for a fun way to keep fit in an LGBT-friendly environment? Why not try Zumba? Taking place every Thursday at Brighton Youth Centre from 4:45pm. it's a great way to get some exercise and meet ...
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Bi Visibility Day

September the 23rd was Bi Visibility Day, and to mark the occasion we teamed up with Brighton Bothways and the LGBT Workers Forum for some fun social events. We also asked you to send us your ...
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A Fond Farewell to Dr Maria Antoniou

After more than a year as the interim Director for LGBT Switchboard, Dr Maria Antoniou will be leaving the charity on the 10th of September, following a handover period with Switchboard Director Natalie Woods who has ...
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