Resources made by us
Christmas survival guide for LGBTQ+ domestic abuse victims
Easy Read version of our services
Arabic Flyer
English Flyer
Polish Flyer
Simplified Chinese Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Urdu Flyer
Resources for LGBTQ survivors
Low income survivors
B&H Council
B&H Council
Brighton & Hove – Local Discretionary Social Fund Application (
Money Advice Plus

The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse (
Women’s Aid
Pelican Parcels
Survivors Welfare Advice Project- CPAG

Family Action Welfare Grants Programme
Black survivors, survivors of Colour, Indigenous survivors, BME, QTIBIPOC survivors
Southall Black Sisters
Al Mizan Trust

Al-Mizan Charitable Trust – General Welfare Fund – Grants Policy (
LGBT Traveller Pride
Hersana CIC
Healing Justice London
Provides services from an abolitionist perspective including a ‘reimagining masculinities healing circle’ for men & masculine identifying people of colour. They also do restorative yoga & specialised sessions for racialised communities.
H.O.P.E. Training
Offer a tailored anti-racist domestic abuse recovery programme for survivors of domestic abuse who experience racism. Courses are over a period of 12 weeks.
Black and Brown Rainbow
Black and Brown Rainbow is a specialist organisation providing support, practical help and advice via a free phone helpline for Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic, Refugee LGBTQI+ people who are living in a hostile environment, with lived experiences of domestic violence (partner/family abuse, so called honour based violence, forced marriage, harmful practices), sexual violence and discriminatory abuse – including state and colonial oppression and violence.
Helpline open hours Monday 6-8pm and Wednesday 6-8pm. Call 0800 054 1097
Disabled, neurodiverse, mentally ill and substance affected survivors:
Durham University
Easy read version of service description and support service provision for LGBTQ+ survivors
Sussex Police, Pegasus scheme
LGBTQIA+ Power Wheel with SignHealth
This video in BSL by Deaf Rainbow UK and SignHealth explains domestic abuse in LGBTQIA+ relationships, and the power and control wheel.
Sex Worker Survivors
Terrence Higgins Trust
Sex worker support service & dedicated male sex worker support (trans & non-binary inclusive) Brighton and Hove | Terrence Higgins Trust (
SWOP Sussex is a sex workers’ outreach project for women who live or work in the sex industry in Sussex. SWOP is trans inclusive.
Trauma informed, low cost and domestic abuse specialist therapies
LGBT traveller Pride
Mind Charity

Free-and-Low-Cost-Counselling-List-2021.pdf (